Areas of interest
- New Media
- Digital Divide
- Arab Media
- Alternative Media
- Minorities Media
- Digital Activism
Dr. Hama Abu-Kishk lecturer in the Department of Communications at Sapir Academic College. received her Ph.D. from the Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Her research interests include: new media,digital divide, Arab media and digital Activism.
New Media
Digital divide
Arab Media
Digital Activism
Alternative Media
Dorit Padan Eisenstark scholarship |
2011-2013 |
Planning & Budgeting Committee scholarship for outstanding doctoral students – council for Higher Education |
2009-2012 |
Negev scholarship for outstanding doctoral students – Amitai Tzin (Ben Gurion University) |
2008 |
Diploma of Excellence + monetary prize for excelling in studies (Tel Aviv University) |
2006 |
Abu-Kishk, H., & Mendels, J. (2020). Attempting to connect: Digital Divide and Distance learning among Bedouin students during the Covid-19 crisis. Sapir Academic College. [Hebrew]
Gozansky, Y., & Abu-Kishk, H. (2020). Jewish and Arab Children in Israel in Times of COVID-19 – Challenges, Knowledge, and Media. Kesher, 55 [Hebrew]
Abu-Kishk, H. (2020). Digital natives and digital immigrants in Arab society. Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL). [Hebrew]
Lev-on, A., Steinfeld, N. & Abu-Kishk, H. (in press). Long-Term Effect of Programs to Increase Digital Literacy of Disadvantaged Populations: Participants perceptions. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society.
Lev-On, A., Brainin, E., Abu-Kishk, H., Zilberstein, T., Steinfeld, N. & Naim, S. (2019). Characterization of participants, short and long term effects of participation in the LEHAVA program (To narrow the digital gap in Israeli society). [Hebrew]
Abu-Kishk, H. (2018). The Israeli Arab sector blogosphere as an alternative media channel. Misgerot Media – Israeli Journal of Communication, 17, 116-124 [Hebrew].
Hardof-Jaffe ,Sh., Hershkovitz, A., Abu-Kishk, H., Bergman, O., & Nachmias, R. (2009). How do students organize personal information spaces? Journal of Digital Information, 10(5).
Book chapters
Abu-Kishk, H. (2017). Operation Cast Lead seen through the blogs and printed press in Arab society in Israel. In: D. Caspi, & D. Rubinstein, (Eds.), Reporting the Middle East: Challenges and Chances, (pp. 99-118). World Scientific.
Abu-Kishk, H., Mioduser, D., & Oren, A. (2008). Integrating hand-held computers in teaching. In Y. Eshet-Alkalay, Caspi, A., & N. Gari, (Eds.). The learning person in the technological era (pp. 216-222). Open University [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H., Mioduser, D., & Oren, A. (2007). The hand-held computer as a catalyst for active reading. In Y. Eshet, Caspi, A., & Y. Yair, (Eds.). The learning person in the technological era (pp. 13-23). Open University [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2019). Long effect of programs to increase digital literacy of disadvantaged populations: Participants’ perceptions. Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide 2019 International Conference, Georgetown University (May, 2019).
Abu-Kishk, H. (2019). Perceived impact of participation in programs for learning about the computer and the internet: The LEHAVA program as a test case. 10th Annual ESPAnet Israel Conference: The boundaries of the welfare state in a changing reality: Who is outside and who is inside? Ruppin Academic Center, Emek Hefer (February 2019) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2018). Practice as a mean of inclusion - Perceived impact of participation in a computer and internet literacy training program. DIPRC2018: Digital Inclusion Policy and Research Conference –University of Liverpool in London (June 2018).
Abu-Kishk, H. (2018). The new media in Arab society. Symposium on the immigrants to Europe: Integration, radicalization and the new media. Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (May, 2018) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2018). Alternative media. Conference on political concepts of protest: knowledge, action, technologies. Minerva Center, Tel Aviv University and Van Leer institute, Jerusalem
Abu-Kishk, H. (2018). Winds of virtual change? From the Arab Spring to #MeToo. 8th Annual Conference, Research Crossroads: Sociology and Anthropology of the here and now, Bar Ilan University (March, 2018) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2018). Digital activism among Arab women. 8th Israel Conference on Qualitative Research – between the personal and the political, Ben Gurion University (February, 2018) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2018). Promoting the internet in Arab society. Symposium on the use of the internet in Arab society, Israel Internet Association (January, 2018) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2017). Orientalism and us. Gala event to mark the 20th anniversary of the Jama’a journal and the department of Middle Eastern Studies, Ben Gurion University (December, 2017) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2017). Online activism among Arab women. 21st Conference of the Israel Association of Communication, Sapir Academic College (April, 2017) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2016). Arab women’s discourse on the internet. Conference on feminism in the virtual space, Forum for Women and Gender Studies, Tel Aviv University (May, 2016) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2016). The unspoken is spoken on blogs. 20th Conference of the Israel Association of Communication, Kinneret Academic College (April, 2016) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2016). Is the Spring marching in their footsteps? Revealing the world of female Arab bloggers. Cross-border Conference on Gender, 5th Interdisciplinary Conference for Research Students, Tel Aviv University (April, 2016) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2015). Revealing the world of female Arab bloggers. Is the Spring marching in their footsteps? Conference – women and change in the Middle East, Chaim Herzog Center for Middle East Research and Diplomacy - Ben Gurion University (December, 2015) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2015). The Arab blogosphere in Israel. 19th Conference of the Israel Association of Communication, Open University, Ra’anana (April, 2015) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2014). The Arab blogosphere in Israel. Communicators conference – 10th Mark Bianu Conference for Research Students, Haifa University (December, 2014) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2014). Mapping the Arab blogosphere in Israel. Evening Seminar on Arabs in the media: Between circles of identity, Open University, Ra’anana (November, 2015) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2012). Operation Cast Lead seen through blogs and printed press in Arab society in Israel: A comparative examination. 16th Conference of the Israel Association of Communication, (April, 2012) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2010). Resistance blogging among the Arab minority in Israel. 14th Conference of the Israel Association of Communication, (March, 2010) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2009). The blogosphere of the Arab minority in Israel: The appearance of a new alternative medium or passing collective illusions? Within the course “Social aspects in a networked world” Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Technology and Information Systems management (May, 2009). [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2009). The blogosphere of the Arab minority in Israel: Dialogue or detachment?! Evening symposium on ‘Russians’ and ‘Arabs’ between ideologies and histories, Ben Gurion University (April, 2009) [Hebrew].
Abu-Kishk, H. (2009). 'How do students organize personal information spaces?’ EDM 2009: The Second International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Universidad de Córdoba, Cordoba, Spain.