Lecturers Page Dr. Uri Bibi

Dr. Uri Bibi

Learned at Ben-Gurion University Between 1993-2000. 

At 1995 started teaching at Sapir College as a TA.

Went to the Universioy of Toronto for Post-Doc and chose to come back to Sapir as a faculty member.

I belive  Sapir is as a quality jumpstart to adult life,

I belive in my students.

Areas of interest and Teaching




Roth, G., Shachar, B., Zohar-Shefer, Y. Benita, M., Moed, A., Bibi, U., Kanat-Maymon, Y., Ryan, R. M. (2017). Benefits of emotional integration and costs of emotional distancing. Journal of Personality. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12366 (IF 3.657).

Roth, G., Benita, M., Amrani, C., Shachar, B. H., Asoulin, H., Moed, A., Bibi, U., & Kanat-Maymon, Y. (2014). Integration of negative emotional experience versus suppression: Addressing the question of adaptive functioning. Emotion, Vol 14(5), 908-919. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0037051

Roth, G., Kanat-Maymon, Y., and Bibi, U. (2011). Prevention of School Bullying: The Important role of Autonomy-Supportive Teaching and Internalization of Prosocial Values.British Journal of Educational Psychology. 81 (4). 654-666.

Roth, G., & Bibi, U. (2010). Beyond External Control: Internalization of Prosocial Values as Important in Preventing Bullying at School. Planning and Changing. 40 (3/4). 242-254.

Berent, I., Tzelgov,J., & Bibi, U. (2006) The autonomous computation of morphological structure in reading: Evidence from the Stroop task . The Mental Lexicon. 1 (2). 201-230.

Berent, I., Pinker, S., Tzelgov, J., Bibi, U., & Goldfarb, L. (2005) Computation of Semantic Number from Morphological Information. Journal of Memory and Language. 55, 342-358.

Smith, M., Bibi, U., and Sheard, D. E. (2003). Evidence for the Differential Impact of Time and Emotion on Personal and Event Memories for September 11, 2001. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 17, 1047-1055.

Meiran, N., Hommel, B., Bibi, U., and Ben-Dov, I. (2002). Consciousness and Control in Task Switching. Consciousness and Cognition. 11, 10-33.

Bibi, U., Tzelgov, J. and Henik, A. (2000). Stroop effect in words that differ from color words in one letter only. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 7, 678-683.

פרקים בספר:
MacLeod, C. M., Dodd, M. D., Sheard, E. D., Wilson, D. E., & Bibi, U. (2003). In opposition to inhibition. In B. H. Ross (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol. 43 (pp. 163-214). San Diego, CA: Academic Press


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