Areas of interest
- human resource management
- diversity management
- work family conflict
- paradox mindset
עבודה היא חלק משמעותי בחיים של מרבית האנשים הבוגרים, אולם ממצאים ממלמדים כי רוב אנשים אינם
I believe people are initialed to meaningful work experiences.
my research and teaching are focused around topics which support my belief.
I've been working in Sapir academic college since 2007. during 2017 I was appointed to be head of department of the managing human resource department
קונה, ש. ונדיב, ר. עושים שונות, לשם גיוון? התהוות התפקיד של מנהלי גיוון בארגונים עסקיים בישראל. בתוך מ. קרומר נבו, ע. וייס- גל ור. סטריאר (עורכים) פרקטיקות ביקורתיות: הלכה ומעשה.
Kuna, S. & Nadiv, R. The embodiment of otherness: Deconstructing power relations between staffing agencies, diverse jobseekers and organizations in the Israeli business sector. Submitted to Pullen, A. & Fotaki, M. (Eds.) A volume for Palgrave on diversity, embodiment and affect.
Nadiv, R. Home, Work, or Both?: The Role of Paradox Mindset in a Remote Work Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Submitted to International Journal of Manpower. International Journal of Manpower. IF=1.61. Accepted on 22/11/21.
S. and Nadiv, R. (2021). Human resource practitioners as
sexual harassment commissioners: Sisyphus amid gender inequalities. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An
International Journal,
IF=1.280 S.K. Corresponding Author. All authors collected empirical data
and performed the analysis. S.K. wrote the manuscript. R.N. commented and
revised the manuscript.
R., Raz, A., & Kuna, S. (2017). What a
difference a role makes: Occupational and organizational characteristics
related to HR strategic role among human resource managers. Employee
Relations, 39(7), 1131-1147. IF=0.864.
16 citations. All authors jointly performed the analysis and wrote the
Papers in preparation
Nadiv, R., & Kuna, S. (Paper in preparation). On becoming chief diversity officer: legitimacy and sense making as mechanisms of chief diversity officer role evolution.
Kuna, S., & Nadiv, R. (Paper in preparation). The role of OD practitioners in the transformation of HR managers into strategic business partners. To be submitted to Organizational Dynamics.
Cohen, Y., Stier H., & Nadiv, R. (2000). Involuntary part time job and unemployment in Israel 1979-1997. The Economics Quarterly, 47(3), 353-372 (Hebrew).
Nadiv, R. & Feldman, Y. (2010). Equality in triangular relationship in Israel: Empirical and doctrinal perspectives. Law, Labor and Society. Tel-Aviv University, 2010 (Hebrew).
Kuna, S., & Nadiv, R. (2013). Organizational development dilemmas in nonprofit organizations in difficult economic times. The Organization Development Journal, 31(2), 62-71.
Nadiv, R., Raz, A., & Kuna, S. (2017). What a difference a role makes: Occupational and organizational characteristics related to HR strategic role among human resource managers. Employee Relations, 39(7), 1131-1147. IF=0.864
Kuna, S. & Nadiv, R. (2018). Divided we stand? Boundary work between HR managers and external OD practitioners. Employee Relations. 40(5), 848-867. IF= 1.65
+Nadiv, R. & Kuna, S. (2020). Diversity management as navigation through organizational paradoxes. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 39(4), 355-377. IF=1.280.
Kuna, S. and *=Nadiv, R. (2021). Human resource practitioners as sexual harassment commissioners: Sisyphus amid gender inequalities. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, IF=1.280
Edited books
Waismel-Manor, R. & Nadiv, R. (2010). Work and family among self-employed women in Israel. In Working Families in Israel. Kulik, L., & Muhlbauer, V. (Eds.). Peles [Hebrew].
Member in the writing committee
Mundlak, G. (Ed.) (2004) Industrial Relations in Times of Transition. The Israeli Democracy Institute. [Hebrew].
speaker The work experiences of post settlers in Gaza strip Israel The annual Israeli Sociological Society conference 2006
speaker Organizations in the era of flexibility: Organizational characteristics that promote the use of temporary help firms' workers in Israeli organizations Israel The annual Israeli Sociological Society conference 2006
Co-author Work and Family among Self-Employed Women in Israel Israel The annual Israeli Sociological Society conference 2009
speaker Opportunities and threats: Objective and subjective aspects of the job searching process as experienced by ethiopian graduates Israel International Conference of Global HRM 2011*
Co-author Paradoxical professionalism processes of human resource managers Prague The European Sociological Association Conference 2015
speaker Opening the black box: Can segregated job placement processes explain economic inequality between secular and ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel? Prague The European Sociological Association Conference 2015
Co-author Gaps between rhetoric and practice in diversity management Israel The annual Israeli Sociological Society conference 2016
Co-author Indecent proposal? Let's talk about studying diversity in organizations Israel The Israeli Conference of Qualitative Research 2016
Co-author The evasive role of staffing agencies in (de)increasing diversity in organizations. Spain 16 International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations 2016
Co-author The complex impact of using social networking sites in employee selection processes on organizational diversity Spain 16 International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations 2016
Co-author Diversity practices regarding disabled employees in business organizations. Israel The 48th Israeli Sociological Society Conference 2017
Co-author Can bureaucracy defeat prejudice?
Lessons from the Israeli business sector's reactions to recent legislation regarding employment of people with disabilities Canada 17 International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations 2017
Co-author Diversity climate and management consultants: Are they agents of greater solidarity or of organizational inequality? Canada 17 International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations 2017
Co-author . Outsourcing ethical responsibility for organizational diversity to staffing agencies in the business sector in Israel Israel EBEN Israel International Conference: Responsibility, Trust and Dissent in Business Organizations, Ben-Guryon University 2017
Co-author Diversity practices regarding disabled employees in business organizations Israel The 48th Israeli Sociological Society Conference, Open University 2017